Change Log.
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## [1.0] Official Release 2020-08-29 Frederic 경진 Rezeau Read more on our blog
- is now officially out of BETA. Trade your cards and CREDITS freely on Stellar, unlock new cards in the shop!
- Your cards can be issued automatically to your Stellar wallet as you unlock them in game, just enable the trustline.
- Take your cards to any battle directly from your wallet! True ownership, the game detects cards in your wallet i.e. you do not need to send them to the game anchor!
- Unlock all non-limited edition cards with CREDITS from the in-game shop.
- Send CREDITS to any player account from any Stellar wallet in seconds.
- Check the auto unlock conditions for any card in the shop.
- Fixed: Players could not withdraw if logged in from Litemint wallet with an active G+ or FB account.
## [beta 0.99.4] (Patch) 2020-08-12 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- You can now withdraw, deposit and trade your hard earned CREDITS on the Stellar Network.
- STEP 1) Link your Stellar Wallet on the Profile Page or play from
- STEP 2) Enable the trustline.
- STEP 3) Go to the shop and click Withdraw or Deposit.
- CREDIT is the official in-game currency of
- Earn CREDITS by winning battles or completing challenges.
- Spend CREDITS in the in-game Shop to buy exclusive cards and card backs.
## [beta 0.99.3] (Patch) 2020-08-06 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- Enhancement: Multi-deck management, yes! Starting with 3 decks per profile, this limit will be increased later with better backend infrastructure.
- Enhancement: Low-graphics mode for players on low-end devices.
- Enhancement: Sound and music levels can now be adjusted.
- Balance: Armor Piercer increased to 6 Damage (from 5).
- Balance: Damage Catalyzer increased to 4 Damage (from 3).
- Balance: Overpower increased to 5 Damage (from 4).
- Fixed: Passive cards draw when favorited.
- Fixed: Legendary Favor not applying Energy bonus to Legend level players.
- Fixed: Players could not remove friends when over 30.
## [beta 0.99.2] (Patch) 2020-07-30 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Trojan Dropper II Give your opponent a Trojan on next draw.
- Balance: Primal Hellfire Damage increased from 9 to 11. Energy gain is fixed to +2 (cannot increase).
- Balance: Survival Spec Cheat death once. Damage void for 1 turn. Passive.
- Balance: Life Hack Steal up to 15 Health but cannot kill opponent. This is the only card that can affect enemy Health after Survival Spec triggers.
- Balance: Trojan Damage now ignores Armor.
- Change: Trojan Dropper was renamed Trojan Dropper I.
- Change: Trojan was renamed Trojan (Armor Piercer).
## [beta 0.99.1] (Patch) 2020-07-28 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Life Hack Set both players Health to 15. The ideal Armor Piercer companion?
- New Card: Primal Hellfire 1 Energy, 9 Damage. Stacks with Overpower. Legendary. Cannot be unlocked.
- Balance: Hellfire Spec Swap Hellfire cards with Primal Hellfire. Passive.
- Balance: Survival Spec Cheat death once but lose your hand Energy. Passive.
- Balance: Firewall Armor and drain reduction are now stacking.
- Fixed: Passive card popup is now properly displayed for players who have not unlocked the card.
- Fixed: Firewall from spec not applying full drain reduction.
## [beta 0.99] 2020-07-27 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Survival Spec Cheat death and set your Health to 1. Triggers once. Passive. Only one Specialization per deck. Does not save you from Biohazard timer Damage.
- New Card: Hellfire Spec Swap your Hellfire cards with Hellfire V. Passive. Only one Specialization per deck.
- New Card: Overload Spec Start the battle with Firewall. Passive. Only one Specialization per deck.
- Balance: Primal Overload Increased from 3 to 4 Energy.
- Fixed: Overpower now stacks properly with Hellfire Mastery.
- Fixed: Forced draw does not remove existing deck cards anymore (card is inserted instead of being replaced).
- Fixed: Several issues with dynamic counters.
## [beta 0.98] 2020-07-18 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Overpower Add 4 Damage points to all your Hellfire cards!
- New Card: Resilience 5 Armor. Reset your Health to 30.
- New Card: Victory Rush 10 Damage. Draw Biohazard next! (Biohazard not need to be in your deck!)
## [beta 0.97] 2020-07-14 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- Balance: Energy Wave 4Energy (up from 2).
- Balance: Fortification 10 Health (up from 5)
- Bug fix: Fortification was removing armor if user already had armor.
## [beta 0.96] 2020-07-14 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Energy Wave 2 Energy. Energyze your next draw too! This card is a legendary reward for TOP 15 players (combined leaderboards) in Season 1 rankings. Only 15 cards will ever be issued and tradable on the Stellar blockchain.
- New card: Fortification 5 Health. Unused points give Armor. Unlock at 207 wins.
- Balance: Legendary Favor 4 Base Energy (up from 3).
## [beta 0.95] 2020-06-25 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Card: Vanguard 5 Damage. 5 Armor. Legendary for players achieving 200 wins. Upgrade Battlemaster or combine both? Your choice!
- New card: Overheal 10 Health. Unused points deal Damage. This one is very powerful, you've been warned!
- New card: Legendary Favor 3 Energy. Get another +3 Energy at Legend Rank.
- Balance: If any player is at Soldier rank, all battles will start with 5 Armor on both sides.
- Balance: Damage Catalyser reduced from 5 to 3 base Damage.
- Balance: Firewall also has 5 base Armor.
## [beta 0.94] 2020-06-10 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Feature: Counter Dynamically calculated card effects like Armor Strike, Shockwave, Barricade and Incinerate will show a counter to help players.
- New card: Firewall Reduces Energy drains against you by 60%.
- Balance: Armor capped to 125.
## [beta 0.93] 2020-06-08 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Feature: Rank Badges Thanks to @R0land for creating our 25 badges. They will soon be available as card back too!
- New card: Blood Pact 6 Damage. 6 Health. Legendary reward issued to Top 5 players in last Season/KDR rankings. Only 10 cards will ever be issued. Congratulations! The eligible battle ids to receive the cards are: gkrrmn, 000001, xiz5iz, pwvvqh, 4ceuhr, 6tyrrv, corbeau, yuukun, chh74t, kyungjin
- New card: Incinerate Convert your extra Energy to Damage.
## [beta 0.92] 2020-06-04 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New Feature: FAVORITE CARDS You can favorite any number of cards to give them an additional 75% chance to be drawn in your first hand. Once the Favorite effect triggers for one card, it is cancelled for all other favorite cards.
- New card: Chained Defense 1 Energy. Gain +10 Armor.
- New card: Chained Blast 1 Energy. Deal +10 Damage.
- New Back: To The Moon! This new card back is rewarded to ALL beta players with over 100 battles. We are going to the moon with Stellar blockchain gaming. Thank you!
- Balance: Damage Catalyzer Damage up from 2 to 5. Growth rate has been reduced from 2 to 1 Damage point per turn.
- Balance: Kinetic Bunker 1 Armor. Double your Armor.
## [beta 0.91] 2020-05-30 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New card: Remote Shell Drain 15 Energy. Gain Armor equal to Energy stolen.
- New card: Trojan Dropper Give your opponent a Trojan on next draw.
- New card: Trojan 7 Damage. Deal Damage to you! (this card cannot be added to deck)
- Balance: Damage Catalyzer Changed from 3 to 2 Damage.
- Balance: Health Catalyzer Changed from 3 to 6 Health.
## [beta 0.9] 2020-05-27 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- Match Making! No more Legend players vs Recruits.
- Refactored card unlocks (Thanks Yuukun!). View the new table for required wins
- Simplified scoring.
## [beta 0.8] 2020-05-25 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- The new ranking system is live and you can already start progressing toward achieving Legend rank on the official Season 1 ladder.
- You need to be logged in (Google, Facebook, Litemint Wallet) to rank on the Season and Kill/Death Ratio Ladder.
- There are 25 ranks and 5 Stars per rank.
- You earn 1 Star for each victory.
- You earn 1 additional Star for each winning streak, up to Veteran rank.
- You lose 1 Star for each loss.
- You earn 1 Legend Level for each victory at 5-star Legend rank.
- You lose 1 Legend Level (if any) for each loss at any rank.
- Amazing rewards for top players at end of season!
Good Luck!
## [beta 0.7] 2020-05-21 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New card: Defensive Charge 6 Armor. Give +6 Energy.
- New card: Offensive Charge 6 Damage. Give +6 Energy.
## [beta 0.6] 2020-05-18 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New card: Hellfire Droid Deal +1 Damage on your turn. Passive.
- New card: Guardian Droid Give +1 Armor on your turn. Passive.
- New card: Repair Droid Restore +2 Health on your turn. Passive.
- Fixed: Major issue preventing login from Litemint.
## [beta 0.5] 2020-05-15 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- New card: Barricade Convert your extra Energy to Armor.
- New card: Remote Exploit Drain 15 Energy. Deal Damage equal to Energy drained.
- New card: Energy Catalyzer 1 Energy - Get +2 Energy each turn.
## [beta 0.4] 2020-05-11 Frederic 경진 Rezeau
- The account migration is now completed. This means that, when we deploy regional servers, your accounts will follow you regardless of the server you play on ( ASIA, EU, US).
- New card: Recast Replay last enemy card.
- New card: Half Life 15 Health.
- New card: Shockwave Deal your hand damage.
- Balance: Energy Catalyzer Removed.
- Balance: Health Catalyzer 3 Health - Get +2 each turn.
- Balance: Armor Catalyzer 4 Armor - Get +2 each turn.
- Balance: Damage Catalyzer 1 Damage - Get +2 each turn.